NC in Focus: Turkeys in North Carolina, 2017

By on 11.21.17 in Economic Data

Turkey production is important to the farming sector of North Carolina. In fact, total poultry production – including turkeys, eggs and broiler chickens – is North Carolina’s top agricultural industry, making up 40% of the state’s farm income. Data from the USDA on “turkey disappearance” per capita in the United States indicated a slight uptick from about 16 pounds annually from 2012-2015 to over 16.5 pounds in 2016 and 2017 (projected). As poultry consumption increases…

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NC in Focus: Sweet Potatoes, 2017

North Carolina’s agricultural industry contributes $84 billion to the state’s economy and employs more than 1 in 6 North Carolina Workers, according to the Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services. Two of the state’s lead agricultural products—sweet potatoes and turkeys—will grace many Thanksgiving tables on Thursday. Here’s a quick look at sweet potatoes by the numbers: 1st North Carolina’s rank in sweet potato production. North Carolina has led the nation in sweet potato production since…

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North Carolina agriculture produces key parts of Thanksgiving meal

By on 11.23.15 in Economic Data

North Carolina’s agricultural industry contributes $78 billion to the state’s economy according to the Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services. Two of the state’s leading agricultural products—sweet potatoes and turkeys—will likely grace many tables this Thursday as individuals and their families celebrate Thanksgiving. Here are a few fun facts about NC turkeys and sweet potatoes: Turkeys North Carolina is the second largest producer of turkeys, after Minnesota. The state’s turkey production was valued at more…

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Agriculture and Food Statistics: USDA Charts the Essentials

By on 5.11.15 in Fun Maps

The USDA Economic Research Service produces a lot of data about our nation's farms and food stuffs. Recently, they made their series of "the essentials" into an easy to navigate portal, filled with 70 charts and maps that highlight key information about everything from food prices and consumption to the interplay between agriculture and natural resources. While it's well worth exploring on your own, here were three of my favorites: The number of U.S. farms…

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NC in Focus: Christmas Trees & Poinsettias

By on 12.18.14 in Economic Data

“What many people don’t know about North Carolina is that we sell the largest number of Christmas trees of any state on the Eastern seaboard. In 2012, our growers cut nearly 4.3 million Christmas trees. Only Oregon growers cut and sold more trees that year.” – Dee Webb, Celebrating Old North State Agriculture From Thanksgiving turkeys and sweet potatoes to Christmas trees and poinsettias, North Carolina farmers have your holiday needs covered. Not only that,…

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NC in Focus: Turkeys

NC doesn’t just lead the nation in sweet potatoes – we’re also one of the top turkey producing states. Here are a few fun facts about NC turkeys: 1992 Turkey production—measured as number of heads of turkey produced—peaked in North Carolina in 1992, with 62 million turkeys. The number of turkeys produced in North Carolina has steadily declined since its mid-1990s peak. Although this has led to some declines in overall pounds of turkey produced,…

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NC in Focus: Sweet Potatoes

By on 11.20.14 in Economic Data

North Carolina farm products are likely to have a starring role in next week’s Thanksgiving dinners across the state (and nation). Our state farms lead the nation in both sweet potato and turkey production. Here are a few fun facts about NC sweet potatoes: 1971 The year that North Carolina passed Louisiana in sweet potato production. We’ve held the top spot for the last 42 years! 1.1 billion The amount of sweet potatoes, in pounds,…

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