We recently worked with the Chamber for a Greater Chapel Hill-Carrboro, the governments of the Towns of Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and Hillsborough, and Orange County to streamline existing processes for acquiring, updating, and maintaining the data they use for their community reports and presentations.
As part of that work, we’ve released a series of reports looking at demographic and economic trends in Orange County, NC. Here are some highlights from Carolina Demography’s report on community heath and well-being in Orange County. (Published July 7, 2020). You can read the full report here.
According to county health rankings from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Orange County ranked among the top five counties in North Carolina for five of the six major health indicators:
However, Orange ranks 46th out of 100 counties in Physical Environment factors.
While ranked highly in all other health indicators assessed by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Orange County ranked 46th out of 100 counties in Physical Environment. Factors for this include:
For more information, visit countyhealthrankings.org
If you would like similar information compiled for your county, please contact us at demography@unc.edu
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Contact UsCategories: Health & Environment, NC in Focus
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