Low-Income Students in Western North Carolina and the Long Road to Recovery After Helene

After this piece was published, our partners at myFutureNC pointed out that impacted school districts in the Northwest part of our state were excluded from the original analysis (Ashe, Burke, Caldwell, and others). This post has now been revised to include all school districts impacted by Helene in Western North Carolina. Three years after the pandemic, students in Western North Carolina (WNC) are confronting a new challenge: the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. The storm, which…

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Which NC community college degree program graduates have the highest average wages after five years?

By on 3.14.24 in Education

Deciding which educational pathway to pursue is often a daunting decision for a high schooler transitioning to postsecondary education. There are many questions a student must ask. Do I want to pursue a credential or a degree awarding program? What are the employment and earnings outcomes for each? What programs are most likely to see me employed five years after graduation? What are their median salaries? Knowing the answers to these questions and weighing it…

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Who are North Carolina’s public school students?

By on 2.20.24 in Education

Carolina Demography's director, Nathan Dollar, recently participated in the NC Business Summit on Public Education hosted by the Public School Forum of North Carolina. His slides were adapted for this piece, which was originally published by EdNC. Who are North Carolina’s public school students? by Mebane Rash, Nathan Dollar, Mary Ann Wolf and Lanie Sorrow, EducationNC February 19, 2024 We all have an image in our heads of a public school student. Often that image…

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Who is asked to repeat a grade in North Carolina?

By on 1.17.24 in Education

Most students are promoted to the next grade level at the end of a school year. But some students are asked to repeat a grade level. The academic term for this is “grade retention”, or “non-promotion.” These terms are used interchangeably in this article. My initial motivation for writing this piece came from investigating school performance indicators pre- and post-pandemic, which I did in a previous piece regarding chronic absenteeism. As I investigated the publicly…

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Looking at the teacher/student diversity gap in North Carolina

By on 10.30.23 in Education

Teacher diversity has been found to be linked to improved educational outcomes for all students, with more targeted gains for students of color. Specifically, having a same-race teacher is associated with improved test scores, grades, and attendance, as well as a higher probability of taking advanced math courses, being selected for gifted and talented programs, graduating high school, and enrolling in college. Despite demographic shifts with the state population overall, data suggest there’s still a…

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Story recipe: Finding data about a NC public school

This blog post is part of a series on how to use the North Carolina Public Schools Statistical Profile. This blog post details how to download different indicators at the school level. We also have tutorials for how to download indicators at the state and district levels.  The North Carolina Public Schools Statistical Profile (NCPSSP) is a great resource for obtaining data on North Carolina’s public school students, personnel and finances. This profile is especially…

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Story recipe: Finding and using state-level education data in North Carolina

This blog post is part of a series on how to use the North Carolina Public Schools Statistical Profile. This blog post details how to download different indicators at the state level. We also have tutorials for how to download indicators at the district and school levels.  The North Carolina Public Schools Statistical Profile (NCPSSP) is a great resource for obtaining data on North Carolina’s public school students, personnel and finances. This profile is especially…

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Story Recipe: Finding data about NC school districts

This blog post is part of a series on how to use the North Carolina Public Schools Statistical Profile. This blog post details how to download different indicators at the district level. We also have tutorials for how to download indicators at the state and school levels.  The North Carolina Public Schools Statistical Profile (NCPSSP) is a great resource for obtaining data on North Carolina’s public school students, personnel and finances. This profile is especially…

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What we know about chronic absenteeism post-pandemic

By on 3.23.23 in Education

Chronic absenteeism is a metric that’s closely monitored by school districts, because it can be a sign that students are out of school so much that it can affect their academic progress. In this post, we talk about how the pandemic has affected student attendance data. First, a definition: Chronic absenteeism is the percent of public K-12 students who missed ten percent or more of school days in a year. We calculate chronic absenteeism using…

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NC fourth graders see large declines in math and reading

By on 12.14.22 in Education

Results from the National Assessment of Student Progress (NAEP), known also as the Nation’s Report Card, have been getting a lot of attention over the past month. The US Secretary of Education has called the results “unacceptable.” North Carolina’s Superintendent, Catherine Truitt, said the results were unsurprising, given the COVID-19 impact on K-12 learning in the state. What did the results show? National 2022 test scores showed an average decline of 5 points in reading…

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