North Carolina in Focus: 2023 Veteran’s Snapshot

In light of Veterans Day on Monday, November 11th, we are providing some statistics about North Carolina’s veteran population. The last profile on the demographics of NC Veterans was published in May 2021.
This updated post provides key information on North Carolina veterans for the year 2023, drawing on data from the U.S. Census Bureau and Veterans Affairs. It includes:
The age distribution of veterans in North Carolina varies by age and sex. There are significantly more male veterans than female veterans overall. The largest group of male veterans is 75-79 (79,511). For female veterans, the largest group is aged 60-64 (10,803 veterans).
Active-duty military personnel and veterans have a significant presence in North Carolina. North Carolina is home to two major military bases, Fort Bragg (Army) and Camp Lejeune (Marine Corps), as well as two Marine Corps air stations at New River, Cherry Point, and Seymour Johnson Air Force Base.
As a result, more North Carolina adults are veterans than the national average - 7.3% of the state's population versus 6.1% nationwide.
In 2023, just over 615,440 veterans lived in North Carolina according to the most recent American Community Survey (ACS) estimates, a decrease of 5,529 (0.89%) in the veteran population from 2022. Nationally, the veteran population continued to decrease, declining from 16.2 million in 2022 to 15.8 million in 2023. The likely cause of the overall veteran population decline is mortality, as veterans who served in World War II, Korean, and Vietnam wars advanced in age.
The age distribution of veterans in North Carolina varies by age and sex. There are significantly more male veterans than female veterans overall. The largest group of male veterans is aged 75-79 (79,511 veterans). For female veterans, the largest group is aged 60-64 (10,803 veterans).
Cumberland County had the most veterans in the state (52,831) in 2023, according to the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, followed by Wake County (47,844) and Mecklenburg County (44,804). Hyde County (174) and Tyrrell County (246) had the smallest number of veterans.
In North Carolina, the employment status of veterans varies across different age groups. Most veterans are employed in the 35-54 age bracket (118,095). This is followed by the 55-64 age group, where all veterans are employed. The 35-54 age group had the highest number of unemployed veterans (4,521).
Educational attainment among North Carolina veterans also varies. The largest group of veterans in North Carolina have some college education or an associate degree, making up 40.5% (228,451) of the total. This is followed by those with a bachelor’s degree, representing about 36.5% (205,752). Veterans with a high school diploma or equivalent account for 26.3% (148,727), while the smallest group, consisting of those with less than a high school education, comprises about 4.2% (23,762).
A service-connected disability rating is a percentage assigned by the Department of Veterans Affairs that reflects the severity of a veteran's disability due to injuries or illnesses from military service. Ratings range from 0% to 100%, with higher percentages indicating more severe disabilities and determining the level of benefits and compensation a veteran receives.
Last year, approximately 218,201 veterans in North Carolina had a service-connected disability rating, with around 121,152 of those rated at 70% or higher. Additionally, 36,000 veterans had ratings of 10% or 20%, while 25,529 were rated at 30% or 40%. There were 23,467 veterans with a 50% or 60% rating, and 4,877 veterans received a 0% rating. 7,175 veterans had an unreported rating. Among the reported ratings, those at 70% or higher were the most common.
The median income among North Carolina veterans varies among male and female veterans and is higher than the non-veteran population. Male veterans earn a median income of about $51,726, while female veterans earn a median income of about $47,526 annually.
In comparison, non-veteran males have a median income of $44,655, while non-veteran females earn $32,415 annually. This data indicates that North Carolina veterans have higher median incomes than non-veterans across both sexes.
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