Where are North Carolina’s newest residents moving from?

The majority of North Carolina’s growth over the past few decades has been from net migration, meaning more people moved here than moved away. We last looked at migration to North Carolina in June 2021, and wanted to see how things have changed over the past year. Where are our new residents moving from? Nearly 366,000 individuals moved to North Carolina in 2021, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS). Most of those…

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North Carolina Population Growth Bouncing Back

Dr. Michael Cline is the state demographer for North Carolina at the Office of State Budget and Management and has given us permission to re-post his content here. Each year, he publishes population estimates and projections for North Carolina and its counties. This piece was originally published on the OSBM blog. The latest population estimates published by the US Census Bureau show North Carolina’s growth in the past year exceeded the average annual growth during…

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North Carolina’s Foreign-Born Population Growing More Diverse

By on 7.6.22 in NC in Focus

Dr. Michael Cline is the state demographer for North Carolina at the Office of State Budget and Management and has given us permission to re-post his content here. Each year, he publishes population estimates and projections for North Carolina and its counties. Miguel came to North Carolina from Columbia when he was a little boy, not yet old enough for school. While many of his family members still live in Columbia, North Carolina is the…

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NC’s fastest growing municipalities in Triangle and Brunswick

On Thursday, the Census Bureau released 2021 population estimates for municipalities. Here’s what the new data tell us about how North Carolina’s cities and towns have changed since the 2020 Census. Winston-Salem passes 250K residents Winston-Salem’s population estimate for July 1, 2021, was 250,320, an increase of 877 or 0.4% since the 2020 Census. The next North Carolina to pass a population milestone may be Wake Forest: at 49,657 residents in 2021 and fast growth…

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2022 Women’s Health Report Card

The Center for Women’s Health Research (CWHR) at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine released the 12th edition of our North Carolina Women’s Health Report Card on May 9, 2022. This document is a progress report on the health and health care needs of North Carolina’s 5+ million women. Carolina Demography collected the data found within this report. A complete list of data indicators and highlights from the report is available from CWHR.…

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Final Four: Orange County vs. Durham County 🏀

By and on 4.1.22 in NC in Focus

With UNC and Duke playing each other in the Final Four this weekend, all eyes will be on central North Carolina. 🏀 As local demographers based at UNC (#GoHeels), we have a professional obligation to present some demographic facts about both Orange County, NC and Durham County, NC. Percentage of first-time undergraduate students at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (entering in fall) from... Orange County: 8.3 Durham County: 3.8 Source: myinsight.northcarolina.edu Population 2010:…

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Climate change and rural NC

Climate change affects us all, but that impact is not spread evenly across populations. In North Carolina, we are seeing changes ranging from coast line erosion and increased frequency of powerful storms to floods, drought, and increased temperatures. Rural communities are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Small rural towns are often less resilient – meaning they don’t have the ability to withstand or recover quickly from natural disasters– than their larger, more urban…

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Counts, Estimates, and Projections, Oh My!

By on 3.29.22 in NC in Focus

Dr. Michael Cline is the state demographer for North Carolina at the Office of State Budget and Management and has given us permission to re-post his content here. Each year, he publishes population estimates and projections for North Carolina and its counties. How many people live here? What are the characteristics of our population? These are the questions people use demographic data to answer. However, there are different types of demographic data available to answer…

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County estimates show more deaths than births, pandemic migration

By on 3.24.22 in NC in Focus

The 2021 county population estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau are the first set of population estimates based on the 2020 Census. Here’s what the new data tells us about how North Carolina counties have changed in the year following the Census. 73 NC counties have grown since 2020 North Carolina grew by 112,000 people or 1.1% between April 1, 2020, and July 1, 2021, faster than the national rate of 0.1%. According to the…

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The pandemic baby bust was smaller than we thought

Nationally, and in North Carolina, there was evidence of a Covid-19 “baby bust”, meaning the number of births decreased after the pandemic started in March 2020. We reached out to the State Center for Health Statistics (SCHS) for updated data. What does this new data tell us? We did see a decrease but it was smaller than expected First, the Covid-19 baby bust was real, but not as large as we initially reported. Last year,…

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