North Carolina: Census 2020 Real-Time Response Rates – Week ending June 22 (.pdf)
View All County-Level Response Rates –
Week ending June 22
Key takeaways for biweekly period ending 6/22
- North Carolina falls one ranking to 34th out of 50 states and DC. As of June 22nd, 57.9% of households in NC have responded to the Census, compared to 61.6% of households nationwide. Its highest ranking to date was 33rd.
- Growth in Census responses continue to slow in June. From June 8th to June 22nd, the cumulative response rate grew less than one percentage point: 57% of NC households then vs. 57.9% of NC households now.
- Response rates are 60% or greater in 28 NC counties. In its top five counties – Union, Orange, Wake, Davie, and Chatham – response rates are greater than two in three households. Twenty-five additional counties have a response rate of at least three in five households.
- Response rate gap narrows slightly between the state and tracts with fewest young children. The average response rate was 55.8% in tracts where less than 4.1% of the population is ages 0-4 – 2.1 percentage points below the state. This represents the smallest gap since reporting began. Tracts with the highest share of young children (>7.2%) also lag slightly behind the state: 56.3% vs 57.9%.
- Tracts with the fewest foreign-born residents continue to lag behind the state. As of June 22nd, the response rate gap was 3.8 percentage points – 54.1% for tracts with a population of <2.9% foreign-born residents vs. 57.9% statewide.
- Response rate gap remains the same for the state and majority non-White tracts. An average of 51.2% of households responded in tracts where the majority of residents are American Indian, Asian, Black or Hispanic/Latinx – 6.7 percentage points below the state. This gap has persisted since June 8th.
- Over two-thirds of households have responded in high internet access areas compared to half in low internet access areas. An average of 49.9% of households have responded in low internet access areas – 16.4 percentage points below the average for high-access areas (66.3%).
Last updated: 6.23.20